Sep 20, 2023
“Wild Wonders: Bear Encounters in Shiretoko National Park”
In the early morning we departed at 9a.m. We arrived at Goko Lake as our first destination in Shiretoko National Park. At that time, we had all come with a single dream which is to catch a glimpse of the magnificent brown bears along the trail of the Goko Lake. While paying for the car park fee (500 Yen), we were provided a route map of the Shiretoko Goko Lake. At the same time, news came in to inform us that we were not allowed to access the ground pathway due to the frequent occurrence of bears within the lakes. Despite this change in our plans and the realization that we could only use the shorter route and elevated wooded path, our spirits remained high, holding onto the hope that we might still encounter a bear in any corner of the Shiretoko Goko Lake area.

Before entering the route, we were given a short lecture which was about the essential precaution before, during and after seeing a bear:
1. Carry bear spray
2. Carry bear bell
3. Make noise in Bear Territory
4. Travel in groups
5. Stay on designated trails
6. Avoid sow with cubs
7. Keep a safe distance
8. Store food properly
9. Respect closures of route
10. React in a correct way when encounter bear

Interesting to see that, almost each and every visitor used the bear bell while walking along the trail. The bear bell is a simple yet ingenious tool that helps the hikers and outdoor enthusiasts coexist harmoniously with the magnificent Hokkaido Brown Bears. This tool, often attached to backpacks or clothing, emits a gentle tinkling sound with each step, serving as a friendly alert to any nearby wildlife, particularly bears. The purpose of the bear bell is not to frighten or deter the bears but rather to announce the presence of humans, allowing these majestic creatures to avoid potential encounters and ensuring the safety of both wildlife and adventurers.

Walking along the short route, we get to view the serene spots of Ichi-Ko and Nichi-Ko, from the viewing points where we can admire the tranquil waters with surrounding mountains. The return to the Nature center was through the wooden pathway, need to mention that the wooden pathway at Shiretoko Goko Lakes is designed with accessibility in mind, making it friendly for disabled individuals and those with mobility challenges. The pathway is smooth and wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs and mobility devices comfortably, which ensure a safe and comfortable experience.
However, we didn't manage to see any bears in Shiretoko Goko Lake. A faint sense of disappointment crept in. It seemed our hopes of a bear sighting at Goko Lake might go unrealized. But we were determined not to let our spirits be dampened. Shiretoko National Park had so much more to offer. Its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife and unspoiled beauty. With renewed resolve, we decided to continue our adventure, this time following the trail leading to Furepe Waterfall.

Driving through Shiretoko Pass, it is a breathtaking mountain pass located within the Shiretoko Peninsula of Hokkaido, Japan. It serves as a vital route connecting the coastal town of Utoro and Rausu. The pass itself is a scenic wonder, offering travelers majestic mountainous landscape and the amazing coastal scenery. I will never forget the dramatic display of nature’s grandeur in this Shiretoko Pass. It is a place where mountains meet the sea, and where each scenery paints a unique and captivating picture.
After a quick 20 minutes drive, we arrived at the Shiretoko Nature Center and we took an alternate route to reach Furepe Waterfall, which followed the roadside. As we meandered along this path, I found myself captivated by the enchanting forest scenery. Suddenly, a collective hush fell over the group. Without fully grasping the situation, we froze. Just 100 meters ahead, a magnificent sight unfolded before us, and a brown bear and her cub. My excitement surged and I hurriedly snapped photos, caught up in the awe of the moment. The world seemed to stand still as we watched in reverent silence.

Our guide and also a friend of ours, whispered softly, ensuring we didn't disturb the creature as it passed by. Aware that bears, especially mothers with cubs, could become aggressive around humans, we began a careful, silent withdrawal, maintaining a safe distance from the bears. Our steps took us back to the safety of the Shiretoko Nature Center. But the excitement in us remained. The disappointment of our morning quest at Goko Lake had transformed into sheer exhilaration. We had not only seen a bear, but we had done so in the heart of Shiretoko National Park, along the trail to Furepe Waterfall. It was a reminder that in nature, the unexpected often yields the most extraordinary moments, and that Shiretoko’s wonders were not limited to its famous inhabitants. As we continued our hike to Furepe fall, heart brimming with awe and gratitude, we carried with us the memory of our chance encounter with these cute and majestic bears of the wild.